Wart Wizard: Effective Wart Remover Gel - Say Goodbye to Warts!
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All Natural Wart Gel

Wart Wizard

With Wart Wizard you can safely remove warts, plantar warts, common warts, flat warts, molluscum without burning or freezing them off.  Common treatment for warts on hands, fingers and feet.  But is safe to use on most of your body externally.  Just keep away from eyes and open skin.

Our Wart Wizard consists of all natural ingredients that are safe for children and adults. No additives, non-toxic.  Can even be used on pets.  Wart treatment can take as little as 7-10 days on small warts. The larger the wart, the more time it will take.  There are hundreds of type of warts and every body is different which is why treatment time can vary. 

Follow the simple 1-2-3 step directions and repeat up to 3 times daily to see results. 

30 Day -100% Money back guarantee for all our customers! Just ship back the unused portion for a full refund.

I had terrible warts on my fingers and I had been to the doctors several times but they couldn't find a solution since the warts were under my nails.  I tried Wart Wizard and couldn't believe the first week I was already seeing results.  Within 3 weeks the warts of 5 years were gone from my fingers!  You can see the before and after pictures above! I am forever grateful for Wart Wizard!


My son has a bunch of warts on the back of his leg. The small ones disappeared with in about 3 days. 

Carina & Tristan

I wasn't sure that anything would remove the wart from my hand, after trying many things. 7 days of using this, the wart is gone!


I used wart wizard for a blemish that appeared on my forehead. It took about 3 weeks but it is gone. I am very happy with the results. I am over 60 so I see more and more blemishes. I thought this was worth a try since it is natural. 


Mom made, Kid Approved!

Wart Wizard was dreamed up for our middle son Slater. This poor guy. If someone in our family is going to get something it would be him!  We had already been thru many stitches, a few surgeries, a couple nights in the hospital for asthma, a year of molluscum (a wart like virus) and not to mention he is highly allergic to grasses, cats, dogs, wheat and is now gluten free! So when it comes to his body we always try to find the most natural way to do things to keep his immune system strong.  You could say he is also not so keen on going to the doctor, with his history!  So when Slater got a wart on his knee we scoured the internet for a natural remedy.  It was with trial and error that we came across good ole apple cider vinegar that we decided was going to be put to the test.  However, the twice a day ritual of figuring out how to apply this stinky stuff without making a mess and spilling it everywhere was quite the task!  There had to be a better way... And then the light bulb went off and you could say... Wart Wizard was born!  An apple cider vinegar gel like substance that can be applied easily with a q-tip that also has  wart fighting agents (essential oils to the rescue) to help kill the virus on contact and build your immune system (also helps the apple cider vinegar smell a little more pleasant to the senses!)  This should have been called momma's stinky wart gel but Slater liked the name "Wart Wizard" because it made his warts disappear!  No chemicals, safe for kids with sensitivities, adults and pets. Mom made & kid Approved! 

From our family to yours, we hope to make those pesky warts in your lives disappear!

30 day-100% satisfaction and money back guarantee.  If you follow the directions and your warts don't disappear call us for a full refund of your purchase!  Only happy customers wanted here!